Values and policies
Our values permeate everything we do and guide us in our encounters with customers and other players. Care for people and the environment makes up part of our business activities – through our values and processes, action plans and daily routines.
Our values:
- Long-termish:
The future permeates everything we do – from our ownership and
sustainable solutions to how we work within the company and in
relation to our customers and partners. - Collaboration:
Collaborating across boundaries allows us to create entirely new
opportunities – both for ourselves and for our customers. - Reliability:
We keep our promises. The motto of ‘a handshake is enough’ is
every bit as relevant today as it always has been. - Innovative thinking:
We recognise opportunities and always find the best solutions in
our own way. We want to learn, try out new ideas and find new
ways of collaborating.
Policies and codes of conduct
The Board of Directors adopts the policys for the company. These are evaluated and revised at least annually. Our business ethic policy is also our code of conduct and includes all employees and temporary employees. There are also guidelines for representation, gifts and benefits that give all employees a clear guide.
Global compact:
Atrium Ljungberg is also a member of the Global Compact and has consequently signed up to the ten principles in the fields of human rights, labour law, the environment and anti-corruption.