UN’s Global Goals - Atrium Ljungberg
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UN’s Global Goals

We have been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2009, and stand behind the ten principles concerning human rights, labour law, the environment and corruption. We have also carried out analyses to ascertain which of the UN’s 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development and their targets we can contribute to through our activities.
  UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development

Our contribution

 FN:s globala mål 3 3. Good Health and Well-Being

Target 3.9
Our properties are to be designed for people who spend time there. By using the Swedish Building Materials Assessment and obtaining environmental certifications for our properties, we help reduce hazardous chemicals and construction materials, and avoid polluting the air, water and ground. A good indoor climate in the properties is very important for health and means we thereby help reduce the amount of illness in society.

 Mål 5 Jämställdhet 5. Gender Equality Target: 5.1 

We constantly work to increase gender equality and eliminate discrimination at the workplace. We have an equal gender distribution in our company management team and in staff functions — in 2018 we ranked as the third most gender-equal company out of the 329 Swedish companies listed on the stock exchange. This work continues, focusing primarily on the occupational groups within construction and property management.

 Mål 6. Rent vatten och sanitet 6. Clean Water and Sanitation Target: 6.3 and 6.4 

The properties are to be resource-efficient and facilitate a sustainable lifestyle. This is why we certify our buildings with the environmental certifications BREEAM, BREEAM In-Use and Miljöbyggnad. We can contribute to efficient water consumption and ensure sustainable abstraction of freshwater in order to combat water shortages, particularly when developing city districts and buildings, but also when selecting materials. We help improve water quality by minimising emissions and pollutants in the water and through smart surface water management.

 Mål 7. Hållbar energi för alla 7. Affordable and Clean Energy Target: 7.2 and 7.3 

We actively work to promote a safe and secure work environment and good working conditions for our own employees and sub-contractors. Combating human rights violations is an important part of our work and the demands we place on our suppliers.

 Mål 8. Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth Target: 8.8

We actively work to promote a safe and secure work environment and good working conditions for our own employees and our sub-contractors. Combating human rights violations is an important part of our work and the demands we place on our suppliers.

 Mål 11. Hållbara städer och samhällen 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities  Target: 11.3, 11.6 and 11.7
We play an active role in the urbanisation of cities through the work that we do. Our business is based on sustainable, innovative urban development. We work with customers, suppliers and municipalities in the planning, construction and management of the properties, and together we create sustainable cities and societies. By ensuring that we have a good mix of content in the buildings and by designing public spaces and green areas, we create inclusive urban life, green oases, security and well-being. We also work to reduce the cities’ negative environmental impact per person.
 Mål 12. Hållbar konsumtion och produktion 12. Responsible Consumption and Production Target: 12.2, 12.4 and 12.5 

Our ambition is to contribute to more sustainable consumption and production by working with our own resource efficiency, as well as the resource efficiency of our suppliers and customers. We aim to reduce energy consumption, handle chemicals and waste in an eco-friendly way and reduce emissions by obtaining environmental certifications for our buildings, sorting waste at source at our construction sites and placing demands on our suppliers. We promote increased recycling and reuse among our tenants and visitors by providing recycling solutions at all properties, running recycling campaigns and ensuring that there are second-hand shops at our retail hubs. 

 Mål 13. Bekämpa klimatförändringarna 13. Climate Action Target: 13.1 

We are working to reduce energy consumption and the use of fossil fuels in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and therefore combat climate changes. We also want to give the cities and the properties greater resistance and a better ability to adapt to climate-related dangers and natural catastrophes. Trees, green roofs and smart surface water management help us adapt our properties to climate change.

 15. Ekosystem och ekologisk mångfald 15. Life on Land Target: 15.5 

It is important to help reduce the destruction of natural habitats, halt biodiversity loss and protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species. We can do this by creating green spaces that promote species diversity, working on ecosystem services and using trees, land, walls and roofs in a sustainable way in our urban environments.

 16. Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions  Target: 16.5 

We work proactively to minimise all forms of corruption and bribes, both among our employees and among suppliers and customers. This is our way of contributing to a peaceful and inclusive society.